CAS lyhensi Evi Sachenbacher-Stehlen kilpailukieltoa kahdesta vuodesta kuuteen kuukauteen

14.11.2014 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Urheilun kansainvälinen välitystuomioistuin CAS on tänään antamallaan päätöksellä lyhentänyt saksalaisen maasto- ja ampumahiihtäjä Evi Sachenbacher-Stehlen kilpailukieltoa, katsoen, että Sotshin olympialaisissa annettu positiivinen näyte johtui kontaminaatiosta, ja että urheilijan syyllisyys oli minimaalinen.

CAS:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has today issued its decision in the appeal of the German cross-country skier and biathlete, Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle, who filed an appeal at the CAS against the decision of the IBU Anti-Doping Panel to impose a two year period of ineligibility on her, following a positive doping control (methylhexanamine) at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

In her appeal to the CAS, Ms Sachenbacher-Stehle sought to have such decision overturned. The CAS Panel, composed of Prof. Luigi Fumagalli, Italy (President), Mr Jeffrey G. Benz, USA, and Mr Patrick Lafranchi, Switzerland, heard the parties at a hearing at the CAS headquarters in Lausanne on 12 November 2014.

Having considered the parties’ submissions and oral evidence, the Panel has partially upheld Ms Sachenbacher-Stehle’s appeal, finding that the adverse analytical finding was due to contamination and that the athlete’s degree of fault was minimal. Accordingly, it has decided to modify the IBU Anti-Doping Panel’s decision in order to impose, pursuant to Art. 10.4 of the IBU anti-doping rules, a sanction of six months beginning on the date of sample collection (17 February 2014), and to cancel the competitive results of Ms Sachenbacher-Stehle as from 17 February 2014 until the conclusion of her six-month suspension on 16 August 2014.

In view of the fact that Ms Sachenbacher-Stehle suspension has now concluded, the Panel has issued its decision today and will provide the full arbitral award, containing the grounds for its decision at a later date.

Koko lehdistötiedote löytyy täältä: The suspension of Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle reduced to six months

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