EIT kehottaa ukrainalaista lentäjää lopettamaan nälkälakon

17.2.2015 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin (EIT) on hiljattain päättänyt, ettei se anna väliaikaista määräystä, jossa se edellyttäisi Venäjän viranomaisten päästävän Ukrainan lennoston jäsenen viipymättä vapaaksi. Samalla EIT pyysi valittajaa lopettamaan nälkälakkonsa ja toisaalta Venäjää toimittamaan tietoja valittajan todellisesta tilanteesta

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

On 9 February 2015 the European Court of Human Rights received a request from a Ukrainian national, Nadia Savchenko, for the application of interim measures under Rule 39 of its Rules of Court indicating to the Russian Government that they should immediately release her from detention. Ms Savchenko is a servicewoman of the Ukrainian Air Force captured in June 2014 by the armed formations operating near Luhansk and subsequently detained by the Russian authorities on suspicion of murder.

Ms Savchenko, who has been on hunger strike for more than 60 days, complains, among other things, about the risk of being subjected to ill-treatment in the form of forced feeding.

In deciding not to grant interim measures under Rule 39, on 10 February 2015 the Court invited Ms Savchenko to put an end to her hunger strike and requested the Russian Government to provide factual information concerning her situation.

The application, Savchenko v. Russia (no. 50171/14), was lodged with the Court on 14 July 2014, it has been granted priority. In her application Ms Savchenko relies on Articles 5 (right to liberty and security) and Article 6 (right to a fair trial within a reasonable time) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

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