EIT: Väitettyjen biologisten isien oikeuksia loukattiin, kun he eivät voineet kyseenalaistaa jo tunnustettuja isyyksiä

9.12.2016 | Oikeusuutiset

Markku Fredman

Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin (EIT) on tuoreessa ratkaisussaan katsonut, että Bulgaria oli loukannut kahden valittajan oikeuksia avioliiton ulkopuolisissa isyysasioissa. Lasten isyydet oli tunnustettu kahden muun miehen toimesta, eikä valittajilla ollut mahdollisuuttaa kyseenalaistaa näitä tunnustamisia oikeudellisesti.

EIT:n lehdistötiedotteesta:

In [a] Chamber judgment in the case of L.D. and P.K. v. Bulgaria (applications nos. 7949/11 and 45522/13) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been:

a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The case concerned the inability for L.D. and P.K., who claimed to be the biological fathers of children born out of wedlock, to challenge declarations of paternity by two other men and to have their own paternity established.

The Court found, in particular, that the right to respect for private life of L.D. and P.K. had been breached on account of their inability under domestic law to establish that they were the fathers of children solely because other men had already recognised the latter as their own, without the particular circumstances of each case and the situations of the various protagonists (the child, the mother, the father by law and the man claiming to be the biological father) being taken into account.

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